Tuesday, July 31, 2007

8 days and counting

8 days and counting until Dave and I head to Hilton Head for a little adult R&R. I am so excited to get away for a bit. We normally take a big trip with lots of friends in August. Last year we did a trip to Chicago. We had a great time but this summer it's a bit different. The wayfarer couples are heading to the beach for 3 days. Very randomly and unexpecetedly we were offered a place to stay at cost. It was such a huge blessing. Especially coming off of a year of just having another child. We've got insurance but sometimes I wonder why? They really took it to us when Izzie arrived. So it has been perfect timing for a beach getaway. Our friends David and Courtney are coming along. I may be more excited about them vacationing than I am Dave and I. This is the first time they have been able to come along. And it is well deserved time for them. They have 4 children under the age of 6 and this is their first adult getaway for them in a very long time. Did I mention that it was 8 days and counting?

Until then there is still a lot to do. I am not sure if I mentioned this or not but Izzie is getting tubes put in her ears on Friday. After 6 ear infections in the past 6 months it was time. I just took her yesterday for her pre-op. She still has infections in her ears. Poor thing. I bet she feels so much better after Friday. She will probably be a different kid. Although she has really turned a corner these past few weeks. She is now crawling everywhere and has been so pleasant. It is neat to see her personality develop. I just love my girls. Life would be so boring without them. I feel very blessed to be their mom.

Emma is having a great time at camp with her daddy. Dave introduced her from stage yesterday and told the camp of like 800 kids to say "hi Emma!" whenever they see her walking around. She feels like such big stuff and her and Dave are really having some great father daughter time.

I also had dinner tonight with my bother in law... Dan. He was passing through from a camp. We had some great conversation. Although he loves to debate and I am the worst at debating or being able to tell someone my opinion when it differes from theirs. He's got some interesting views on things... Not sure how much I would agree with him on some of the things we talked about but again I did not have a reason not to at the time we were talking. At one point I wanted to say.."Dan, you are way over my head! and instead I just kept nodding! But don't tell him that! :)

Now I am rambling and if you read this far I am now boring you. Oh well.... sometimes blogs are boring!

Monday, July 30, 2007

I've lost my left arm

Dave headed out this morning for his final camp of the summer. And on the way out the door he took my left arm with him. That would be Emma. I am sitting here this evening bored out of my mind wondering what to do with all the time on my hands. It's just Izzie and me holding down the fort.

We were all to go to camp this week with Dave but I backed out to stay behind with Izzie. After the earlier camps this summer I promised myself that I was not doing that again this summer and I meant it. However that meant I had one sad little girl Emma on my hands. She has been talking about going to kids camp with Daddy all summer so a few phone calls later Dave decided to take her on his own. Now I normally would not allow something like that to happen. Dave spends a lot of time being available to people when he is at a camp so I was not sure how having Emma there would be. But I think we've worked it all out. And if things go down hill fast, I'll just go get her. They are going to have great daddy/Emma time. Plus it's going to be really good for Dave. I don't think he's ever had sole responsibility of Emma for 4 days straight without my help. I am hoping he will come home appreciating all I do! :) Which I know he already does but this will be a good bonding experience for them

Emma and I talk about what daddy does all the time. When he is not here with us he is out on the road speaking to kids about Jesus. It is so important that she has opportunities to be out there with him. As she gets older there will be more times where she can travel with him.

Again, I can't emphasize enough how great of a summer it has been for our family. Being intentional on making the most of our time together when we were all 4 under the same roof was huge and also having a positive attitude going into the summer helped. I know my husband travels a lot but I am very thankful for his schedule. There are a lot of other dads out there in different professions that travel a lot more than Dave ever will dream of.

I'll keep you posted on my boring week at home. I'm sure I'll be getting a lot of organizing done in the off time. I never knew just having one child was so easy!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 7

I made it!!! It's day 7 and today I am finishing up the master cleanse. I need to tell myself this.."Kim, I am so proud of you!" It's one thing to do something like this with a group of people.... it's a whole other thing to do it by yourself in the middle of a long stretch without the hubby around. So for that I'll give myself one more pat on the back.

The cleanse:
I think it did what it was supposed to. I always know when I am ready to come off of it. It's when I look at myself in the mirror and feel hollow. This morning I felt that way for the first time. So I know it's time to come off. I feel like my system has been washed out. I did not loose as much weight off the bat this time. Which was no big deal since I was not doing this to loose weight. But I still shed about 10 pounds. 5 of that will come back as soon as food hits my system, but hopefully I can keep the other 5 off with some good eating. I'll probably start the body for life meal plan again. It seemed to be the most helpful when it came to feeling like I was able to digest food. But I would highly recommend the master cleanser to anyone who just wants a jump start at feeling better. And anyone can do it. I am not much of one to commit to anything so for me to stay true to this thing for 7 days is a true test that anyone can do it. Again the results and how you feel will keep you going. And to be honest, being hungry or needing or wanting food are some of the last things you'll experience. My hardest days for me were day 1 and day 5. Day 1 just starting the thing but day 5 I hit my healing crisis. I felt so bad. Sore throat, heartburn, flu like. Then by day 6 I had the best day yet. Everyone hits their own healing crisis at different times.

Until you deprive yourself from food for a long time I don't think you can really understand the scope of starvation. So many times as I felt weak this past week I began to think about all the people out there who are starving for food. My reality was that I could choose to eat food at anytime. But for them they have no choice. There is nothing there to eat. Nothing to find. It especially makes me sensitive to the children in that process. I also read through the book of Acts again this week. Where communities came together and took care of every one's needs. Where there were none in need. Can you imagine your community like that let alone our cities or our country or our world. Somewhere we just got something wrong. Probably when culture tells us things are all about me me me and how to make me better.

So there you have it. It was a good week for me. Both physically and spiritually. I also learned a lot more about what it takes to be disciplined in the the midst of every day life.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Death and sadness

I have a hard time understanding brokenness in this world and the chances of death that happen in peoples lives every day. To one day be here and then the next day you are gone. These past two months I have heard of younger people who have died unexpectedly. I did not know these people. I just knew their stories. And it leaves me sad for the people they leave behind. Wendy's cousin lost her husband 1 month before the birth of their first son. It was a random car accident. He was 30ish. I have another friend who just lost her sister-in-law to cancer. She has two school children she leaves behind. And today I found out that the boss of this same friend passed away. He had been waiting on a kidney. He got too sick before one arrived and passed away after a long hard struggle with life. I hate sickness and the way it comes in and devastates people's lives. I often wonder what cancer will find me in my young future. Hopefully none but it seems now a days everyone gets it. I hope I am old when it comes knocking. It is just hard for me to be able to find words for people who have lost loved ones that still had so much life in front of them. I have no idea what to say. Maybe some of them were believers maybe not. I am not sure but it does not make words any easier. Again, I feel like I say this all the time but it makes me constantly evaluate my own life and want to be sure I am living each day with meaning and purpose. Living each day hard, and full of love. Constantly telling my family and friends the things on my heart. It always makes me stop thinking about material items and possessions.. Like the new things I want for my house or the car that would make a perfect addition to our families garage. Who cares! Again I think thinking about death and the reality of it is a good thing. It makes you love life more and dare to live each day with a little more passion for what is important to you. So Lord please be with these families today who have lost people in their lives that had so much more life to give. Give them meaning, and purpose and most of all hope.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When it's time to come home

Dave called last night and I could tell in his voice that he is tired. This has been a long last stretch for him. He has enjoyed each opportunity to be with different groups this summer. My husband by nature is an introvert but when it comes to his calling, he does anything it takes to connect with people, to be around the people he is ministering to, to be available. And this summer it seems so many people have been pulling for his attention. Which is good because one of Dave's biggest gifts is to be able to talk truth into people's lives. He's done it in my own time and time again. But it has been a summer of people really needing him.

So again, last night when he called I knew he was tired. Especially when he started getting sentimental with me and our life. He's run into so many stories this summer of where people's marriages from all stages of life have had such turmoil and hardship and devastation. So he took another opportunity to tell me how much he appreciates my willingness to allow him to do what he does... to do what we do. You see, I play as much of a role in his ministry as he does. My number one priority is to make sure our home is at rest and peace when he is gone. That our family.. me and the girls are his biggest fans and supporters and encourager's and even more important... prayer warriors. Even when we have bad days when he is gone, I seldom let him in on the level of bad they are. All he needs to know is that we are doing well and anticipating when he gets to come home.

But it got me thinking about marriage. A friend of mine and I were talking just the other week about how many people think that once you get married things get so much easier. I am here to say that marriage is one of the hardest things I have done. It takes work and a lot of hard work to have a great trusting marriage relationship. Before getting married I never imagined how hard some journey's would be together. On the other hand the other thing that I know to be true is that I never expected the love I have for Dave to be so pure, strong and true. That has been the biggest surprise that marriage has brought me.

So anyway, I was just thinking about things today and felt I needed to share that. I am still doing ok on the master cleanser. Today is day 5 and yesterday and today have really been the hardest. I am not hungry but I am feeling like crap. Which is good because it means I am getting all the toxins out of my body. I was reading some blogs last night about other people on the cleanser and most of them do 10+days up to 40 days of this thing.... They say after 10 days your body really starts attacking the bad cells and stuff. I am just looking to make it to Friday. I can't imagine going past 10 days. I am really proud of myself for getting this far on my own. Last time I did this there were 4 of us all doing it together. This time just me and with Dave gone it has been a little harder because if I do need to lay down a bit and rest I can't because I've got the girls to take care of. But I can do it. We'll see if I make it to Friday. I may start going off of it tomorrow.....

Monday, July 23, 2007


Izzie took a few crawls today and should be up and officially crawling in the next two days. Just yesterday she can sit up by herself from a laying position on the floor. She is just growing so fast these days!

Sorry I have been absent from my opinions latley. I am in the middle of a 7 day fast/cleanser and have not had much time to sit and think about getting on a computer. It's going good. I did not want to tell anyone I was starting it in case I did not make it through the first day. The first day is always the hardest. I thought about quiting at least 2 times this past Saturday but I made it through day one. Tomorrow will be day 4 for me and I'm on the down hill. I did this same cleanser about a year and a half ago and made it 8 days. So I figure this time around 7 would do. I've had major digestive issues since having Izzie... I personally think my insides were not put back right after my c-section. But who knows, I could be making all of that up. But regardless I wanted to try a cleanse before I went the medical route. So far it seems to be working. I tell you what, it is amazing what kind of crap (no pun untended) is in your body. When you do a cleanse and see the toxins come out you will probably always make it priority to do one. I think 1 or 2 a year can do your body a good service.

So anyway, that is the latest with me. Just on the cleanser, home alone with the girls 6 days so far and 5 more to go till Dave get's back, reading through the book of Acts, trying to make it till Friday!

I had someone come and clean my house today.. .compliments of my grandparents so I am sitting in a clean smelling house right now. Nothing like a clean looking and smelling house when you had nothing to do with it. Priceless!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It will make you think....

I saw this posted on another site and it got me thinking.... I'm not a very political person but again... made me think. Maybe it will make you think too. I do agree with some of what is said. Especially the part that most of us are ungrateful for the many freedoms we have.. or I should say oblivious to them. I do realize that a lot of people have no clue that the world does not live in the rich blessing that we do..... Take this for what it is worth.....

"The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president. In essence 2/3s of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change.

So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, ''What we are so unhappy about?''

Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?

Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?

Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year?

Maybe it is the ability to drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state?

Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?

I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough.

Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.

Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home.

You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family and your belongings.

Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes , an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.

This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents.

Neighborhoods where 90 percent of teenagers own cell phones and computers.

How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?

Maybe that is what has 67 percent of you folks unhappy.

Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.
I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating?

Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terror ist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me? Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad?

Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the "Media" told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day. Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an ''other than honorable '' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge after a few days in the brig.

So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans? Say what you want but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news.
Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are For-profit corporations.
They offer what sells , and when criticized, try to defend their actions by "justifying" them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done it this way......Insane!

Stop buying the negativism you are fed everyday by the media. Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative." "With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"

Sending Daddy Off

Dave headed out early this morning for his last big push of the summer. He'll be in MO, and Oklahoma for the next 2 camps and then comes home for his last camp in Alabama. Emma got in bed with me this morning and started to cry. "Where is my daddy?" He had a 7AM flight so he had to say good bye to her last night. "He's off to camp again and will be home soon" I said. We have had a wonderful summer. God has been doing some amazing things at the camps Dave has been at and the times that he has been home, we have made extra effort to be more intentional about our time together. So that is the latest with us. Pray for me... for patience with the girls these next few weeks!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Dave

We celebrated Dave's 33rd birthday tonightsince he will be gone on his real birthday. Emma and I took him out to dinner. It was so nice. Emma also made him a present. She said that it was captain hooks' telescope. Lucky Dave! She was so proud. He loved that she made it for him. Tomorrow we have another party with friends before we send Dave off again to finish his summer stretch of camps. It really has been a good summer for all of us. We have much to be thankful for. Happy birthday babe! Life keeps getting better and better with each year!

Dave and Emma

Dad's favorite present

What a work of art!

Monday, July 16, 2007


Our family was in downtown Greenville last night celebrating Addie Gail Brooks first birthday. Now that most of our friends have more than 1 child it seems there is always a birthday to celebrate. It was a great party. While we were there in the area we decided to visit Dave's aunt and uncle who just moved to the area a while back. They bought this old mill home about 5 months ago and decided to gut it and renovate it. I saw this home about 3 months ago when they just started working on it. When I saw it I thought there was no way possible to ever make the thing livable. I'm not the greatest big picture person. When I look at things I most of the time just see the details. And the details on getting this home to the place where I thougth they could live in it seemed impossible. I was totally shocked when we walked through the door. What was once such an eye sore and heap of work, was now a beautiful work in progress and definiteley a wonderful livable space. Who would have known? How could I have doubted?

Thought about a lot of our families mission... finding broken places in this world and making beauty out of them. So many moments I look at the task and can't see the big picture but just the details. I get overwhelmed and even doubt at times that God can take something so broken and barren and make something beautiful out of it. But he does. We constantly bump into lives that he has restored and we watch and reflect in awe of the beauty he has created. I really want to look at things and immediately see the big picture and not just the details. In the end the big picture is a wonderful thing.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Black, White and Gray

The past few mornings I have been up at the crack of dawn. I am an early riser by nature but my children... they beat me to it. If your children sleep in past 8AM in the morning you ought to consider it a blessing. My kids will be up anytime between 6 and 7am and if they make it to 7 I really feel like I slept in a bit. It's not really a big deal for me but my husband is a night owl so trying to balance staying up later with him but having to get up so early with the kids is a rhythm I am still trying to figure out. With that said, the past few mornings have allowed a time for a nice walk through our neighborhood. When it's 8am, everyone has been up for 2 hrs, breakfast has been served... what else is there to do but get outside?

I have not walked our neighborhood in a while so these past few days have been an interesting walk of discovery for me. We don't live in an upscale community. It's a very modest neighborhood. Dave and I love it here and we love our home. The home we live in is nicer than any home that Dave and I grew up in. We feel very blessed to have the house that we do. We made a few good decisions when buying our first home and when interest rates hit rock bottom a few years back we were able to sell that house invest in a much larger home for a very little house payment in comparison. We were just fortunate that all the cards played in our favor. Our neighborhood is governed by a covenant. We like this because it prevents eye sores or chain link fences going up around you. However on my walks it amazes me how many people are in violation of the covenant. It's not just a few homes, it's many. The thing about covenants is that it's very black and white. There is a document that says exactly what you can and can not do. There is no gray area. But yet so many people want to live in the gray. It bothers me when there are issues that are black and white and people live in the gray. But it bothers me even more when the issue is Gray and people want to define it as black and white. Bet you did not see that twist coming!

It lead me to think about the generation that we live in. Especially Christianity and people who claim to be Christians. There are so many churches, people, Christians, that want to define a black and white covenant to issues that are gray and can't be defined. Living in the bible belt we encounter this everyday. Churches in the south have a tendency to define major issues as black and white and leave people in a battle of choosing purity or sin. It's such a shame. We are enslaving people through a bad theology instead of defining the gray issue and letting people live and draw their own lines based on there experiences and relationships with the Lord. Jesus dealt with this a lot as he constantly lived in the gray and had the Pharisees looking over him wanting him to define black and white and then persecuting him when he didn't. Jesus hung out with ungodly people, He did things that made people question him, he healed on the sabbath, he changed water into wine, he ate and fellowshiped with people living in sin. This is like Christianity 101... most of you already know all of this. Sorry for the details.

All that to say.. I feel like am constantly aware of the black, white and gray.

Dave gets this a lot with the people and groups that he comes in contact with. Especially the youth of this generation. At most of the camps he does... there will no doubt be a question and answer time where Dave sits in the hot seat and trys to answer life questions that these kids have. It becomes interesting because a lot of these kids are from places that have defined issues as black and white. Dave and I.. well we live in the gray on a lot of issues. That is the way we live our life and in ways it's part of our ministry to shed more gray in people's lives. Not to be reckless but to take God seriously and enjoy the freedoms he has given us with life and to trust our relationship with him and the holy spirit on what is right for us. Of course in teens lives it all comes down to about three questions that are asked every time. "How far is too far?, Is drinking alcohol wrong?, How do I deal with mean people? I love how Dave answers these questions. Especially when you have a baptist minister standing over you wanting you to define it as right and wrong. And Dave always comes back to the gray. Telling students that there are a lot of gray area's in Christianity that can not be defined in black and white and that you need to walk in that grey in your relationship with the Lord and define your own lines with Him. (I really wish someone presented those thoughts to me while growing up. When I would live in the gray on issues... which I thought were black and white, I felt like such a sinful person. When really... looking back, it was not sin at all. I feel like I missed out on a greater impact on people because I was so chained to my own struggle of disapointment.) There is a lot more that goes into answering that but I'll leave it there just to make my point. And let me preference.... There are many many issues that are black and white... take the 10 commandments as some of them. Don't steal, covet, honor your father and mother, etc... so I'm not trying to say do whatever you want. Hopefully you know what I was trying to say. Just focusing on the Gray thing right now.

I am trying to think how that has played out in our lives. Dave and I are definitely trying to be more missional. We both grew up with a very black and white influence in our lives. Daring to live in the gray has brought about much freedom. It's not always easy because there will always be those people in our life who will question us when they see us doing something that for them is still defined as black and white. Much like with Jesus there are probably people that look at us and play the Pharisee role. We don't care.

So back to our neighborhood. Who ever thought that a few days of walking around our hood would bring me to reflect on the spiritual journey's we have been on. Or more so.. .I have been on.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Always ways to help

This site is a site I view weekly that always puts my life in perspective. If you all have been reading lately you know I have a heart for Haiti. The thing with today is that in the past if you really wanted a wake up call on the reality of life outside our US bubble you would need to actually go on a trip to be educated on the poverty and need of people all across our world. Now with the Internet we can sit at home and read and see people's lives who are in such need. There are 4 people on this site in need of Visa's to come to the US for surgery. Almost everyday there is a need out there that you can respond to. If this interests you and you feel called to help, please help and if not then find other ways to help others... it does not always have to be financial. It's not fun seeing the brokenness in people's lives but it is a constant reminder to me and my family of the rich blessings we have. The struggle for bigger houses, more money, better cars, time for ourselves could be a much less struggle if people really got a glimpse into the reality of our broken world.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Home for a day and on the road again

Daddy came home last night. We met him at Frankie's Fun Park in Greenville. Emma was so excited she ran from hole to hole and was worn out at the end of 18 holes. Izzie was glad to see her daddy too. It was the first time that when she saw him she started smiling and laughing and reaching for him.

Dave had a good week at Lee University at a Student Life camp and heads out tomorrow to TX for another camp at Austin College, Sherman TX. While at this past camp a guy took some random pictures of Dave and gave him a disk. So here are a few of him. Many are curious as to what Dave actually does for a living. Well this is part of what he does....

It is hard at times having a husband who travels a lot during different seasons of a year. Especially when his biggest time of travel hits during the summer when the kids are at home and most families are spending more time together. However, I would not trade this life of ours for anything. There is nothing more rewarding or fulfilling than living out God given dreams with a community of friends. The sacrifice (if I can even call it that) is nothing compared to the knowing that our family is on a mission and impacting the lives of others so that they can wake up and have life to the fullest. Anyone can be a part of that mission. You've just got to get off your butt and make it happen.

I am still coming up with ideas for my croc plan. I'll keep you posted....

Monday, July 9, 2007

God Breathed

Is there anything in your life that is God Breathed? Do you have a constant urging that you are supposed to do something that is out of the ordinary or maybe even crazy? I love when I run into people who are daring to live out in faith what they feel God is calling them to do. I ran into one of these people at one of our friends birthday parties. The birthday party was great. We love celebrating birthdays in the community of friends that we have. It's always a good time of celebrating life and for lots of fun with friends. This person goes to our church. I noticed that she was looking a little pregnant but far be it for me to ever ask anyone if they are pregnant when you are not sure. She is older and has children who are older. So I was a bit curious to wonder what was up. They left the party early so when they were gone I asked my friend is she was expecting. She said she was and went into saying that she is being a surrogate mom for a couple who the woman can't carry a baby. The woman has had 19 miscarriages. This baby is fully the other couples, but "Sarah" lets call her that... felt called to carry their child for them and to help them out. The thing is I remember about a year ago, Sarah was doing a photo shoot for Wayfarer and I was driving around the car with her and we were talking about adoption, (she was adopted) and fostering and she at that time had mentioned she was feeling like she was supposed to help someone out in need.

So a year later, I find her pregnant... acting on a hunch of something she was supposed to do. Pretty daring I must say. I can't imagine the gift she is giving to this other couple of offering her body up as a place for their baby to grow.

But anyway, I just wanted to share that with you because it inspired me. There was also another couple there last night who have older children in high school and have taken in two African American kids who have been in the foster system to be part of their family and adopt them.

Not every one's God breathed things in their lives are things that involve children or helping families but I do think that everyone has those things.

Right now I have been wrestling with the idea that I am maybe supposed to be getting together thousands of croc shoes and shipping them off to people in Haiti. If you know anything about Haitians... they need shoes and they are in a place where there is water and dust and the only thing I think of is how useful crocs would be. So I have no idea how to even start to accomplish this possible urging... I hate to even talk about it now because I will feel bad to not do anything with the idea. I mean, how, who, where would I send them? Would it even matter? Any ideas out there would help..... But anyway all that to say is that I know we all have these God breathed urgings... I just wonder what yours is?

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Girls night out

Emma and I had a girls night out tonight. Mom kept Izzie and we went to see Ratatouille? I think I mispelled that! It was a fun time. I love to get one on one time with her and it was so kind of my mom to keep Izzie. We split a huge popcorn and drink. Half way through the movie she leaned over and whispered.. "I love you mom."

Friday, July 6, 2007

Another double ear infection...

I just took Izzie to the Dr today for a check on her ears. When we were on vacation a few weeks ago, she was up screaming all night and I figured she had another one. The Dr. was hesitant to call her in an antibiotic since no one looked at her but she did if I promised to bring her in when I got back. Well I took her in today thinking she was absolutely fine. Come to find out she has double ear infections that on a scale of 1-10 are about a 9. Poor kid. And once again did I mention I had no idea? So we are now on our 7th round of antibiotics and we are getting sent to an ENT. Hopefully we'll have tubes in the next month or so. We did this same thing with Emma and the tubes were life savers. Emma was a little older when she got them than Izzie is. I just want Izzie to feel normal. I think her normal is dealing with a lot of pain right now and being so used to it that it does not phase her anymore.
Dave is gone most of this month so I am holding down the fort. Hopefully I won't have any rough nights ahead of me!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jumping off the Diving board

So Dave uses this illustration at camp this summer about how God wants us to dare to jump off the diving board, meet Him in mid air and dare to flip and dive even if we smack! Not to settle for doing pencils. Well when I say "jumping off the diving board" I am not applying any spiritual connotation to those words. I literally mean jumping off the diving board.

At Key Largo a few weeks ago we were at this pool that had a high dive. Dave asked if I wanted to go off of it with him. I said no. Had no interest and didn't think twice about doing it. Just did not seem like fun to me.

Also while at Key Largo, we went out 7 miles in the ocean to snorkel at some reefs. I stayed up swimming around the boat watching out for Emma since there was a barracuda 3 ft away from us. But I passed on seeing the reefs. Two of them.

The problem I am having is that if you asked me 5 years ago before our life with kids and maybe even back farther into college if I would go off a high dive or snorkel in the ocean, I would never hesitate once. I would do it and love every minute of it. I am just now reflecting about what has happened to the fun and adventurous Kim that I once knew and loved. I know she is in there somewhere I am just trying to find ways to bring her back to life again.

I am disappointed in myself that I have left part of my fun side behind somewhere. Somewhere in the midst of being married, having and raising children and being a mom fun adventurous Kim has gone hiding and I can't find her.

I just want to never think twice about enjoying life. I don't ever want to have the opportunity to see some of the most famous reefs on the Atlantic coast and just pass it up because I just did not feel like seeing them. I love the Kim that is in the here and now, I just think she lacks on her sense of adventure. So, farewell pencils... I am about to try and do the one and a half.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Our Two Weeks Away

First camp with Dave this summer in Hilton Head

It rained one day so we made a trip to the Childrens Museum. Emma was a pirate!

Our second time back to our old alma mater. First time with our girls. PBA is where we met and both of us went to school. We have such fun memories of our time there

Dave lived with his buddies on Mango Prom. Here he is with his girls on a very famous part of his life.

In Key Largo we went to a community pool that had a waterslide and a pirate ship. Emma loved it.

Emma and Kayleigh went to the mall in Miami and visited Libby Lu. Emma dressed up as a princess and Kayleigh was a Rocker Girl.

We took a boat ride out in the ocean. Emma loves boats.

Izzie finally learned to sit up and sat up on the edge of the pool for this picture.

Me and my girls doing what I love best. Beach, pool and sun. This was on our trip at Daytona with Dave.