Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I was just getting a box of Paper

Wendy and I had just dropped off the kids at school and were heading to Office Max to pick up some supplies for the office. Upon checkout, a man named Michael asked if he could exchange our box of office max paper for the HP brand and said if we did that they are donating 20.00 per box to help fund cancer research. We said sure. It was the same cost and it was great to help out with a cause. We both know a someone who has had breast cancer. He offered to take the box to the van for us and that initiated a conversation.....

Do you know that the government does not fund cancer research?
He has personally sold 400 cases of paper at our store.
Office Max is donating $2 per pack of paper /20.00 per case to cancer research
There are over 700 stores in the US
Michael found out a year ago that he has a tumor inside of his eye.
He is heading to Boston this Saturday for another visit to check on the progress
He had a 1 in a million chance of having a tumor in his eye.
They can't remove it or he will die in 6 months
If it starts growing he will die in 2 months
If it shrinks too fast then it will go to another part of his body and he will die in 6 months
He said he believed in God but is not a religious person
He had a daughter that died at 16 and he has never been back to church since
He encouraged us to have our eyes dilated when we got eye exams
We told him we would be praying for him
We asked if we could pray for him and we decided not to since he seemed awkward about it

All of those points to say... Here is a guy who is passionate about life and is making a difference by working at office max. He believes in a God but I would not say he was a follower. He lives with the unknown everyday of he might just drop dead. Just another reminder that tragedy can really form your passions. Just another reminder that there are so many people in the world working to make this place a better place and not all of them are believers.

On another note. James Dobson was on the radio on the way home and the conversation/topic of airtime was why you don't need to watch R rated movies. This is just my opinion but are there not better world changing topics out there that we can address? Let the spirit guide you in what is good for your own life. There are people dying from hunger, disease, aids, malnourishment and we are spending time on the radio talking about how if a movie has one bad word or twelve... how to deal with that. Our communities need to grow up and start addressing real issues. Just my opinion... I know not everyone would agree with that......

1 comment:

dreamingBIGdreams said...

Kim - I know it is just your opinion about the R rated movie stuff..... BUT I agree.