Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fabulous Time

We had a fabulous time on our getaway. We went to Hilton Head for a 3 night 4 day trip together. In some ways it feels like we have been gone for a week but in other ways it's hard to believe we are already home. Dave and I had some much needed one on one time together. Walking the beach, being that couple in the pool that you want to throw up when you look at them because they are all over each other (no one knew who we were :), playing shuffle board, shopping, sleeping in late, eating way too much.

The great thing about this trip was that we never went wrong on our meals. I had one of the best meals of my life at a place called Red Fish. I had surf and turf and the flavoring on the Lobster was indescribable. We also ate at CQ's. A fabulous place right in harbor town. They had wonderful food and I found a great cocktail called the purple haze. I love tarty drinks and this one had a very enjoyable tarty flavor and was very good. And the last night... we went to one of the best all you can eat seafood buffets at the Westin. And I came in a close second for eating the most Alaskan King Crab legs for the evening.

We could never have done any of this if it was not for my parents. Each year they continue to take our children and watch them while we have much needed time together. Not an easy thing to do when you are older and have 2 kids under 4 on your hands. The morning I left, Emma told me she could not wait for me to leave so that Nana and Papa could come. My mom watches the kids everyday but they always make sure that there is a separation from Nana who watches them to Nana and Papa who are the grandparents that do what grandparents do. Each day Emma woke up and had something to open. I was about to kill my mom when I found out all the stuff she bought while I was gone... It's not like my kids need anything. Let's see... Emma got the Pocahontas movie, Jasmine and Aladdin barbie dolls, an Ariel doll that swims in the pool with you. Mom also took Emma shopping for her back to school clothes and got her an Ariel Backpack that is almost the size of Emma herself.

On the bad side of things... Emma came down with strep on Thursday so was sick for 2 days and Izzie got it yesterday. A great welcome home gift!

But it is good to be home. I really missed the kids and am definatley refreshed to start the fall schedule!

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