Monday, August 20, 2007

The verdict....

Thonsalitis... (not sure how you spell that) For the 3rd time about 8 weeks. This one if viral so I am going to have to ride it out. But I am feeling much better today.

And just a quick update on the croc vision I had....
After sharing with some of my girlfriends about what God has been teaching me lately and sharing about random things I think I am supposed to be doing.... they strongly encouraged me to go at it and be sure I followed through. I love my friends. And funny thing is that I have a few more random contacts from them that just proved I need to start moving and stop sitting on this stuff.

So I've sent a few emails and have started to flesh out what I think I've heard. It will take me some time but at least the ball is getting in the position to roll.

Again, if you are just catching up with me, I am wanting to gather crocs for people in Haiti. The details of how are still coming together. I'll let you know when I know more!

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