Monday, April 2, 2007

The meaning of Easter

We were at church this past Sunday and they showed a clip of this guy going around asking people if they knew the meaning behind Easter. It was shocking how many people celebrate the holiday but have no idea what they are celebrating. So many people were dumbfounded. I know not everyone is religious or spiritual for that matter but I was really intrigued by this. So in the car ride home I was telling Dave my thoughts on the matter and "how can people celebrate something that they don't even know about" I went on to say how these people were idiots etc.... Then Dave turns it back on me and says "well do you know the meanings behind Hanukkah?" And I looked at him and said, "I know some of the things they do but no... I don't really know the history behind Hanukkah" He got me. I was telling of the planks in other people's eyes while I have one hanging out my eye too...

So the meaning of Hanukkah... I researched it.....
Hanukkah is the annual Jewish festival celebrated on eight successive days beginning on the 25th day of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish calendar, corresponding, approximately, to December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication, and Feast of the Maccabees, Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem by Judas Maccabee in 165 BC after the Temple had been profaned by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Syria and overlord of Palestine. Did you know that? Shame on you if you didn't! :)

But I do want to take the rest of this week and spend it on my thoughts on the Easter Holiday. Now that Emma is 4 she is understanding more about things and it's time for her to start knowing that yes we have this thing called the Easter Bunny that comes and leaves us candy and stuff but we also celebrate Easter because it symbolizes to the christian faith that Jesus has risen and is alive. And let me just say.. If you don't know me, I hate characterizing myself in Christianity. There are so many claimed Christians out there that give Christianity a bad name. I would rather like to say that I am part of a bigger movement that as a person and as a family we are trying to make beauty out of all the broken places in this world through the power given to us by the Resurrection. Side Note: I loved watching Studio 60 when it was on because they kept doing these takes on crazy Christians and Dave and I would just laugh and laugh. One of Wayfarers new mission statements or values is "God before Christianity" And that about sums it up for me personally too.... OK sorry for that rant and sorry if you think differently than me on that one... my blog my thoughts...

So Easter. I am so thankful that I am not alone in this world. That I don't go to bed every night or wake up ever morning without more of a purpose in life than just going to a job or raising my kids. There has to be more. There is more. Over 2000 years ago a man fully human but fully God made the ultimate sacrifice for me with his life and on the 3rd day he defeated death. So that is what I celebrate this week. I celebrate life. Life that has meaning and purpose and mission because it has been birthed out of a Resurrection.

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